• In erection and maintenance, gearless pulling and lifting machines are also very popular. In India they are commonly known as Hook Chuck or Cumalong. They are called gearless as they don’t use gears like chain pulley blocks for lifting and pulling application. Information about their specification and application is given in this article.


    Lifting and Pulling Machine

    In India they are made as per IS 5604: 1984 – Specification for Hand-operated Universal Gearless Pulling and Lifting Machines (First Revision).

    This standard specifies the materials, requirements and testing for the hand-operated gearless pulling and lifting machines of lifting capacities up to 5 tonnes.


    They are used for various applications like erection of steel structures, laying and pulling of pipes, guying, tensioning transmission line conductors (electric power transmission), pulling of under ground cables, moving and installing machines, etc.

    Though they are supplied with standard length of wire ropes, there is no restriction on length of wire rope that can be used in such machines.

    It may be noted that lifting and pulling capacity of each machine is different. Some of the technical data of such machines made by Tractel Tirfor India Pvt. Ltd. are as under.


    Technical Data T7 T13 TU20 T35
    Lifting Capacity (SWL), Tonnes 0.75 1.6 2.0 3.2
    Pulling Capacity, Tonnes 1.25 2.6 3.0 5.2
    Effort (Approx.), Kg. 30 to 45 50 47 60
    Breaking Load of Rope (Approx.), Tonnes 4.5 9.0 9.0 16.0


    For more information about application and technical data for machines made by Tractel, please visit their website – http://www.tractelindia.com

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